Click on a link below to view the performance ratings for that variety (must have Adobe Reader).
- Begonia (Shade)
- Begonia (Sun)
- Coleus (Shade)
- Coleus (Sun)
- Euphorbia
- Geranium
- Gomphrena
- Impatiens, New Guinea
- Impatiens, Double
- Impatiens, Standard
- Ipomea
- Lantana
- Miscellaneous (Shade)
- *Includes: Argyranthemum, Impatiens, Ornamental Millet, Osteospermum, Nemesia, and Scutelaria
- Miscellaneous (Sun)
- *Includes: Agastache, Ageratum, Alternanthera, Angelonia, Argyranthemum, Calibrachoa, Celosia, Chrysocephalum, Cleome, Coreopsis, Cuphea, Delphinium, Dianthus, Diascia, Euphorbia, Gazania, Isolepsis, Lobelia, Lobularia, Marigold – African, Nemesia, Nierembergia, Oenothera, Ornamental Millet, Ornamental Pepper, Osteospermum, Pennisetum, Physotegia, Ptilotus, Rudbeckia, Salvia, Scaevola, Talinum, Torenia, and Verbena
- Petunia, Standard
- Petunia, Trailing
- Phlox
- Verbena
- Vinca
- Zinnia
- Container (Sun)
- Container (Shade)